SAPHA - South Asian Public Health Association - logo
SAPHA - South Asian Public Health Association - logo


India’s COVID-19 Crisis: Donations, Resources, and Advocacy Opportunities

India’s COVID-19 Crisis: Donations, Resources, and Advocacy Opportunities

May 5, 2021
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in South Asia unfolding rapidly in India and into neighboring countries including Nepal and Pakistan, an urgent and […]
SAPHA, along with 50+ organizations, releases Joint Statement Outlining Public Health Gaps in COVID-19 Response for Asian American and South Asian American communities

SAPHA, Along With 50+ Organizations, Releases Joint Statement Outlining Public Health Gaps in COVID-19 Response

May 11, 2020
The South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA) would like to thank the 50+ organizations that signed onto our joint statement on the impact of the pandemic response […]
COLLECTING SIGNATURES! Joint Statement Outlining Public Health Gaps in COVID-19 Response for Asian American and South Asian American communities Deadline: May 3 | 5pm EDT

Collecting Signatures! Joint Statement Outlining Public Health Gaps in COVID-19 Response

April 29, 2020
Dear colleagues, Last week, SAPHA released a statement to highlight public health gaps in the federal response to the pandemic that have particularly impacted Asian […]

SAPHA’s Statement on the US Government’s Response to COVID-19

April 21, 2020
The world has been confronting a global pandemic that is putting our public health infrastructure to the test. In the US, there have been over 823,250 […]

SAPHA’s Statement on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

March 22, 2020
Dear Colleagues, The world is responding to an outbreak of the novel Coronavirus and the disease it causes named “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). Towards the […]
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