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SAPHA - South Asian Public Health Association - logo


Statement on Student Encampments in Support of Palestine

May 15, 2024
SAPHA Statement on Student Encampments in Support of Palestine: The South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA) stands in solidarity with students, activists, faculty, and communities […]

Statement on AAPI Day Against Bullying and Hate

May 9, 2024
SAPHA Marks Sixth Annual National AAPI Day Against Bullying and Hate On May 18, 2024, anti-bullying nonprofit Act To Change is rallying the nation in […]

Statement on SPD-15

April 8, 2024
Statement on SPD-15 The recent update of Statistical Policy Directive No. 15(SPD-15) by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) marks a significant shift in how federal […]

Statement on Win Rozario

April 1, 2024
Statement on Win Rozario SAPHA honors the life of 19-year old Bangladeshi American youth, Win Rozario, who was killed by the New York City Police […]

Statement On Gaza

October 24, 2023
Statement on Gaza In our vision for better health and well-being for South Asians in the USA and the communities in which they live, the South […]

SAPHA’s Statement on the US Government’s Response to COVID-19

April 21, 2020
The world has been confronting a global pandemic that is putting our public health infrastructure to the test. In the US, there have been over 823,250 […]
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