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SAPHA - South Asian Public Health Association - logo

Newsletter - July 2023


🎉 This month, we are thrilled to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)! Enacted on July 26, 1990, this legislation champions the rights of individuals with disabilities and paves the way for equal opportunities. Join us in building a more inclusive society that supports the needs of the South Asian community in the United States.

📣 Spread Awareness: Leverage social media platforms, newsletters, and community forums to amplify the ADA's message and its transformative impact.

💬 Engage in Dialogue: Organize virtual discussions, panels, or webinars that speak to the South Asian community about advocating for disability rights and promoting inclusivity.

🤝 Collaborate with Disability Organizations: Forge partnerships with local disability organizations that cater to the South Asian community.

🎨 Support Disable Shine a spotlight on the talents and achievements of disabled individuals within our South Asian community.

🌐 Foster Inclusion: Ensure events, programs, and services are accessible, keeping in mind the cultural nuances of the South Asian community.

For more resources, please visit the Americans with Disabilities Act website and the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF).

Research & News Highlights

World Bank's South Asia Economic Focus, Spring 2023 Report - Highlights opportunities and challenges faced by South Asia in the global economy and emphasizes the need for equal educational opportunities of the impact of global and regional shocks on the region.

COVID-19's Impact on South Asia's Youth Could Last Generations - The World Bank warns that the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on South Asia's youth could last generations and highlights the need for urgent investments in education and human capital development.

NCAPA issued the statement in response to SCOTUS's decision in SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) that #affirmativeaction programs violate the 14th Amendment. Read full statement here.

South Asian Heritage Month

🎊South Asian Heritage Month, celebrated from July 18 to August 17, is a time to honor the culture and contributions of South Asia and their people. This month, we celebrate the existence and legacy of South Asians who play a significant role in preserving the rich history and amplifying the voices of millions of people around the world.

Here's how you can honor South Asian Heritage Month in 2023:

📚 Educate Yourself: Dive into the rich South Asia's history to better understand the cultural diversity in regions and current challenges.

🏆 Recognize Contributions: Acknowledge the contributions of South Asians to the worlds of science, medicine, art, politics, and social justice.

🌏 Learn about Cultures: Discover the diverse cultures of South Asia and

countries in the region that differ geographically, socially, politically, and culturally.

📣 Spread the Word: Amplify South Asian Heritage Month, which is currently underrepresented in mainstream media, by sharing with friends, family, and coworkers.

Remember, every action counts! Let's make this July a month of celebration, recognition, and action. Together, we can make a difference.

We need your help!

The SAPHA Research Committee is building a repository of South Asian public health topics and of authors conducting related research that will be accessible on our website. We are also seeking any information about student researchers conducting South Asian public health research to highlight during AAPI month in May. Please fill out this Google form if you have any suggestions.

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South Asian Public Health Association

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